Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A Journey of Knowledge

More than three years ago, I set out on a journey of self-discovery, a journey that took me to the mystical faraway land of Ko-Ah-La Loom-Poq. A journey in the pursuit of wealth of the mental kind. I seeked knowledge.

This was a journey I had to make, for at that point in time I was a failure, a shame to my own people - crucified and vilified wherever I went. "Stupid", "Failure", "Disgrace", and the knife of insult that pierced deepest into my fragile and withered armour of self-respect - "Pea - brain".

Many contemporaries had made this journey before me. None returned the same person. All of them had been corrupted by the evils and perils that tempted and poisoned the weak and feeble minded. They came back disfigured and discoloured by the instruments of Satan - blonde hair, earrings, piercings, tattoos, and likings for smoke-eminating sticks and nectars that corrupt the mind. More importantly, they came back without that which they set out to obtain - a degree.

So it was that I left the my small, innocent hometown of Pee-nangh' among much trepidation and fear that I would succumb to be just another victim of the evils of the big city. My keepers were very reluctant to let me go and much strain put on our relationship convincing them to let me do so.

I left with much resolve and strength within me that I should return a hero, with smiles from the lips of my keepers that I had succeeded where many had failed. Free from the temptations and evils that are the root of failure. I had to regain my keepers' belief in me and restore my reputation. I left a decrepit boy with no pride and with people around me confident that I would be just another failure.

Fast-forward 42 months and here I am. I write this as man who was withstood the evil temptations and overcome the obstacles in the pursuit of my Holy Grail of knowledge and wisdom. Three and a half-years of blood, sweat and toil and many moments I endured on the brink of desperation, thinking aloud "What the f**k la! What the hell am I doing this for?!". It has been a tough journey, one that has made me a wiser and better person but starved of female companionship. An unintentional vow of celibacy was made when I signed ny name on the registration scroll, not knowing that my temple of learning was 80% male dominated.

Today, I stand proud. I can hold my head up high when I return to my hometown to the resounding cheers and and smiles of friends and keepers, including extended keepers. It is a happy moment for me, a moment where I have regained the trust and confidence of the people around me. A moment where I have progressed from boy to man. The moment where I start to live my own life by my own rules. Yes, I can now hit the inn on Friday and Saturday evenings scouring for lovely young maidens that will never be introduced to my keepers, without worry or curfew. I am now free of the shackles of parental imperialism. I have made the ...TRANSITION... Destiny fulfilled.

But what is the proof of all this, I hear you ask?!? Where is the scroll that denominates me as knowledge repaired from my days of knowledge impair?!? Judge too fast, you do. Bah! But of course I have it...it is my preciousssss, my crown jewel, my culmination of years of toil.

It is depicted here.

I am nerdier than 75% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

"Wiser than me, are you? Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship" Yoda - Return of the Jedi

Wiser than me are you? Take the test.


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