For my final year project, I need to get myself a Lego
Mindstorm robotics kit. The bloody thing's price got raised by 300 ringgit for the fantastic reason that YEAR CHANGED!!!! Yes, 2004 became 2005. "Hey guys, let's celebrate by making our robotics set 300 bucks more expensive!!". Idiot distributors. It's not like the price wasn't significant enough before the raise. Even before it was a bloody expensive piece of crap.
So anyways, I happened to be at Mid Valley last Thursday, so I thought I'd go take a loot at the soon-to-be-mine Mindstorm set. But f**kin hell, it was gone. There were no more Mindsotrm sets there. I was on the verge on panicking at this point thinking my project is doomed.
Me: *looking for staff* Boss, Lego Mindstorm tu pergi mana?
Staff: Oh itu ke? Yang robotik punya? Dah hantar pergi Bangsar Village ngan Subang le....*wtf!!!! idiots!!!...timing so nice!!! but at the same time thanking God that it wasn't sold out*
Me: Uh, kenapa hantar pergi sana?
Staff: Dah lama kat sini takde orang beli, so kita hantar pergi sana la.Me: Ye ke. Ok ok....That was Thursday. Today is Monday. At this point I don't wanna take any risks waiting for PTPTN only to find the set sold out. Thus I dug into my "reserves" first. So just now I happily head off to Bangsar Village lookin forward to getting myself that mighty peice of technological innovation.
*walking around Toys R Us Bangsar Village like an idiot looking for that set*
Me: Boss, Lego Mindstorm kat mana ye? Yang kotak besar harga mahal gila tu.
Staff: Huh? Pabender tu?Me: Lego punya robotil set la. Kotak biru.
Staff: Dah check section Lego?Me: Dah le, ni yang mahal punya tak ada kat sana.
Staff: Tak tau la...sekejap saya tanya boss...Boss: Yes?Me: Saya cari Lego Mindstorm. Mid Valley kata last Thursday diorang dah hantar kat sini. So i datang sini takde pulak.
Boss: Betul ke? Tapi kita takde terima apa-apa macam tu pun? *checks PC* Ya lah takde. Staff mana mang nih? Tau nama tak?Me: Mana I nak tau nama? Dia budak melayu pakai spek mata.
Boss: Kalau you bagi stok number I boleh check la. Tapi saya tau kita takde terima apa-apa macam tu.Me: Ok. Kalau saya nak order boleh tak. Benda ni penting untuk project.
Boss: Ok you bagi nama, phone number dan nama benda tu. Saya check dan call you ok?Me: Ok le.
Idiots. Make me run around on a wild goose chase. Cant even get their facts straight. At this point I was pissed and worried that I might not be able to get a set, which will put my project inserious jeopardy, which will put my degree in serious jeopardy, which will put my life as I know it in serious jeopardy.
I decide to go straight to the Mid Valley Toys R Us and see if something can be done there. Hopefully the set might even have been sent back there or something. So off I went to Mid Valley.
*walks to the glass casing hopefully but finds nothing*
Me: Boss, Lego Mindstorm ade tak.
Staff: Itu dah hantar le... Me: Minggu lepas you orang bagi tau saya dah hantar kat Bangsar Village. Tapi saya pergi sana diorang kata takde apa-apa. Buat saya pergi sana sini macam orang gila je.
Staff: Uh, you pergi Information Counter. Mungkin diorang boleh tolong.So I walk over there and wait for 10 mins as two couples each check an inflatable Harry Potter thingy and a remote controlled car each.
Me: Excuse me....
Staff: Yes?Me: Minggu lepas saya datang nak beli Mindstorm Lego tuh...
Staff: Oh, yang robotics punya?Me: Yessss. You punya staff bagitau I dah hantar pergi Bangsar Village. TAdi I pergi sana takde apa-apa. Ada tak stok? Saya nak beli untuk projek ni...penting.
Staff: Oh, yang itu kita hantar pergi 1U.Me: Sekarang ada tak stok lagi?
Staff: Sekejap saya telefon diorang ye?*waits around nervously. I get worried as the guy on the other side is taking a while to call back*
Staff: *kring kring* Hello? sdfuwebrfdgdfgdf...........................(inaudible)......Ok. Ada kat sana.Me: *amazing relief* Ok. Stok ada kat Malaysia ya? Itu yang paling penting.
Staff: Ya ada...Me: You orang boleh hantar sini tak? Saya nak beli.
Staff:Boleh. You nak bayar sekarang ke atau nak bayar bila ambil?Bloody ell. They make me run around so much and they want money up. What a bunch of clowns.
Me: Nanti la...bila ambil saya bayar.
Staff: Ok.Me: Berapa lama nak sampai sini?
Staff: Beberapa hari la.Me: Ok. Khamis saya kena balk Penang so Wednesday or Monday saja saya boleh ambil.
Staff: Ok. No problem. You tulis nama dengan phone number.....Me: *writes details down* Berapa unit benda ni you orang ada?
Staff: Kita ada 3 unitMe: Semua pun hantar pergi tempat lain
Staff: Ya la. Dah lama kat sini takde orang beli. Tapi sekarang banyak orang nak beli tiba-tiba.Me: Ya ke? Diorang pun tulis nama?
Staff: Ya...ada orang tua sorang student sorang.Me: Tapi saya no.1 priority ye!
Staff: You confirm nak beli?Me: Yes! Very important.
Staff: Ok.Me: Bila dah sampai call ye? Terima kasih....
So much trouble just go get 1 damn thing. Why couldn't they get their facts right in the first place? At least the girl in Mid Valley was quite helpful. However I am very relieved that they still have it. I would be in some serious shit if they didn't. This all goes back to PTPTN taking so long to give me my loan cash, but then again, there are a million idiots out there who aren't paying back the money they loaned. IDIOTS!!. How can people be so selfish. Thanks to them I have so much trouble getting my robotics kit and I am still waiting for my new PC. Yes, all my friends have heard about my non-existent new PC. 2 months and counting. I hope I can get it before I finish my degree!!!!
Location: Kitchen
Listening to: Simply Red - Never Never Love