Sunday, May 01, 2005

Random thoughts...

My dad's a science teacher. Just now he was testing my cousin. The question was "What are multicellular and monocellular microoorganisms?".

Here's what I immediately thought:

Multicellular microorganisms: People that use more than 1 handphone
Monocellular microorganisms: People that use 1 handphone

I think it's hilarious! You probably don't get it. I told you my sense of humour was on a higher intellectual plane than the rest of you.

On another note, the final instalment of Star Wars is coming soon. I was playing back the space battle scenes through my head and I suddenly noticed 2 discrepancies:

1- Outer space is a vacuum, and therefore soundless. How is it that we can hear all the explosions and lasers and the little droids piggybacking on the spaceships?
2- This one is even more perplexing. Not all of the shots fired are on target, and as we know, space is endless and without any force to reduce the momentum of the shots fired. In any case, they use lasers and thus even with air, lasers are not affected. They just stay constant and keep going. Which brings me to my question; where do the missed shots go to? The logical answer is that they would go on endlessly till it hits some poor innocent ship or a planet. So each time there's a battle, there would be thousands of innocent victims millions of miles away.

Space battles: You could be next Posted by Hello (Source:

Just imagine this scenario: A million years and a trillion gazillion miles away after the climactic space battle which finally destroyed the Death Star and the Galactic Empire, somewhere on a little planet called Earth...

Wife: BOB! Take out the trash, will ya!!!
Bob: Yea, yea, mumble.....
Wife: BOB!!! NOW!!!!
Bob: *Stupid bitch* I'll do it after SportsCenter.

So Bob gets up and takes the trash out. Suddenly.......KAPOW!!!!!! Bob is a fried potato and he won't have sex ever again. Not just a week.

That might explain all those mysterious deaths and disappearances. Missing? No sirree, they were fried by stray lasers shot by X and Y - Wings, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe!!glad i could understand ur "higher intellectual sense of humour" crackin..hehe!!

1:21 am  

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