Sunday, February 20, 2005

First night...

Finally, my anonymous previous one screwed up my life a little coz people read it and used it against me....although there wasn't anything malicious in it. I'm gonna write whatever I feel like in here...screw it if you're not the amorous grandma in the kumars said: "the toilet's that way". Go put your shit there... the blog. I'm calling it transition as I feel i'm at that kind of a point in my life. I'm at the brink of graduating and joining the workforce, finally achieving independence and becoming a self-sustaining person. God I hate depending on others....god do I hate it.
So for you readers out there...all 2 of you yes...I just hope this blog can be the source of some entertainment or whatnot...cheers!

p.s. if you;re wondering what the hell "el diablo corneo" means, go find out yourself!